Celebrating 101 Fantabulous Blog Posts!

Wow, I couldn´t have imagined to say that someday, but I´m really glad this blog survived the past 4 years with me and changed, as I did, for a better.

Stats alone cannot reflect what this blog means to me.

However, some stats are impressing, alone the number of 61,412 words of these 101 blog posts* can fill a book, according to Amazon the average book has 64,500 words!

Over 53,000 views are a nice compliment too, thanks to all who stopped by and took the time to read!

But in fact no statistic can say how much I improved my foreign writing skills, not to mention the things about which I wrote; every single post includes a story about something I learned, sometimes a thought, sometimes concrete skills on which I levelled up.

Since I do not work with a representant, nor a gallery the main business which makes around 90% was driven through social media and blogging and online marketing only.

Doubt was always there, especially in the beginnings where I thought that I must be silly writing so much, while all other artists are just putting up pictures and get comments like crazy... well in the end it all paid off. Because I was not going for comments or online praise, but rather for real business with the just-right clients and thankfully by insisting on the latter I found that sticking to my plan actually worked.

To celebrate this gratitude, I have a new artwork in wallpaper size for your download pleasure below:
Please feel free to download, share, order as print, you name it!

All that what´s being said and the little gift above are not as precious as the following advice:
If you want to make a living from your art, it means nothing if you put your images online, anybody can do that. To stand out you have to write. Learn from those who know and get your feet on the ground, only then and with a lot patience you´ll be able to make it.

* I´ve chosen the number 101 because 100 is not really memorable these days, one-oh-one is a basic guide and that is what this blog has become to me - a map for my path as artist that also serves as 101 guide to others.
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Written by

Oliver aka Fantasio is a creative blogger who likes to share his insights about art, marketing and social media. Follow Fantasio on twitter or facebook


  1. Excellent point that an artist has to write to be noticed. And very good advice.

    Thank you for taking the time to make that point and for the gift of the wall paper. I am hoping to be able to spark some interest in my artwork by creating a blog. It has been in existence for about 3 months now, although I have only recently announced it on other social sites and in person to those I know personally.

    I wish you all the success and prosperity that you deserve...and that is probably a great deal more than you imagine. Let's hope so!

    1. Thanks for your comment and well wishes, very appreciated! I tend to think that social media is just the vehicle, blogs have been around before facebook and they will be around when no one will remember what facebook was. The trick is to create content that moves people from their comfortable facebook (or insert any social media site here) couch to your blog page:) Good luck with your blog project!

  2. Oliver, you artworks are inspirational, and so are you and your blog! Thanks for 101 posts of artistic wisdom! :D



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